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In 2021 I had a request from a friend if I could create molecule models with my 3D printers. There are plenty of sets which are available on the market, but there aren’t any set with correct representations of the atom sizes. After studying the tables available online we came to a concept based on the covalent radii of the atoms based on data from the Cambridge Crystallographic Database.

The colors of the atoms are based on the CPK colors, but can be made differently on request.

Then we decided the scale for the 3D printed atoms. All atoms are printed individually and screwed together with 3mmx8mm imbus screws.

Sizes of 3D printed atoms

Notation Name Radius in Å 3D Printed Atom Diameter in mm Color
H Hydrogen 0.31 9.3 White
O Oxygen 0.66 19.8 Red
C Carbon 0.76 22.8 Black

I created a few dozen models and put them for sale in my Etsy shop.

Here is an Oxytocin molecule model mounted on a wooden base made from 3D printed atoms, that I have sold in 2021:

oxytocin molecule model

In the beginning of 2022 I had a lot of other tasks and didn’t develop the concept further. I started renovating my house and make an art-studio to create all kinds of sculptures.

Then the idea came to create wooden molecule models. The scale is a bit different and we based it on available wooden spheres on the market.

Sizes of wooden atoms

Notation Name Radius in Å Wooden Atom Diameter in mm Color
H Hydrogen 0.31 12 White
O Oxygen 0.66 25 Red
C Carbon 0.76 30 Black

Here is an example of a hexaphenylbenzene wooden molecule model mounted on a wooden base.

This model is available in the shop: Hexaphenylbenzene Molecule Model

At the moment we create about 3 models per week and we accept requests to make custom models.

You can contact us through the form on this page: Contact, or send an email to

Looking forward to your request!